
Toxic bosses should be the next to face #MeToo-type reprisals

In Canada, the emphasis on workers’ right to a safe and healthy workplace in the wake of former governor general Julie Payette’s resignation provides a rare opportunity to expand the definition of workplace harassment and hold toxic bosses to account — just as serial sexual abusers have been outed and held responsible during the #MeToo movement.... Read More...

University Research Confirms Greenhouse Gas Reductions using HydroGreen’s Hydroponic Fodder System

HydroGreen's technology has great potential for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the animal agriculture industry. It warns of the imminent pressures on our food systems through demand for consumption of animal products, which are becoming more apparent as our global population increases, with estimates suggesting a global population of almost 10 billion by 2050.... Read More...

Is Loop truly sustainable? It’s complicated.

From produce to condiments, the majority of the products are bagged and packaged in plastic. According to Industry Canada, food packaging is responsible for about a third of all Canadian household waste, of which just 20 per cent gets recycled. In February 2021, online supermarket Loop launched its online store in Ontario to test Canadian consumer’s interest in reusable packaging. But how sustainable is the program, really?... Read More...

Salty, fatty and sweet comfort foods, our pandemic reprieve

It’s no surprise that when we’re bored, lonely and stressed that we turn to comfort food. It’s nostalgic and brings back memories of happier times—times of celebration, nurturing and togetherness. If 2020 were a food fashion trend, comfort food would be Chanel. Even fine dining restaurants were scrambling to revamp their menu offerings.... Read More...